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To the Educating Justice Citizens Hub

Research, Lesson Plans, Community to support your justice-oriented classroom.

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Ready to replicate lesson plans for your justice oriented classroom. Lesson plans for 6-12 available for free.

Social Justice Education

Forming a Generation of Justice Oriented Citizens

What does it mean to create justice oriented citizens? It means giving our students the skills to be critical about the world around them and the will to make change on their own. 

Developing a justice orientation isn't just for the victims of an unjust society, it is for the unaware and naive perpetuators of that society. Most children are born with an innate sense of fairness, but schooling and socialization tells many children that "fair" does not necesarily mean equal. We seek to break that cycle.

This website is intended to share academic research and curriculum that supports the integration of social justice into primary and secondary education in America. The information is intended to support current and future ​teachers in bringing social justice into their classroom and praxis, fulfilling the visions of luminaries like Friere and hooks.

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